Hi it's me again lately I've been working on my other blog. If you didn't look in my profile already and see it I'm just gonna let you know it's a blog that focuses on rap battles. I was trying to make the search engines pick it up even tough it seems like Google filtered it but it doesn't seem to be succeeding so I'm gonna just stay consistent and try to get feed subscribers. I have a feed burner account with Google. So you ask what is a feed? I wish
I could specify it to you all I can tell you is through a feed interface you can look up a ton of other blogs instantly. One other thing that has happened to me this week is I just got my web site and graphic design software in the mail just recently so look forward to seeing me incorporate more original visual content into my blogs because as far as I know I should be able to but I need to refer back to the manual and make sure. I'm gonna try to be 100 time more consistent with this blog but I need you guys to keep on following upon this blog. At this point of the blog I'm not expecting a lot of traffic but all I want you to do is follow along. This blog is gonna serve as a traffic building journal to show you what you can possibly do in a month to be seen on the search engines. So please even if you don't hear from me for a minute I need you to stay more consistent then I have been and post a blog entry every day it's the only way and what ever you chose to make about please be helpful as well as resourceful. God bless you and pleas leave me a comment.
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